Mesotherapy for Spot Weight Loss and Cellulite Treatment
Mesotherapy is a technique invented in 1952 by Dr. Michel Pistor to deliver medications just below the skin surface. Mesotherapy is injected only where it is needed. Mesotherapy targets fat and connective tissues under the skin.
Mesotherapy greatly improves cellulite and stubborn fat pads like the “love handles”, “baby belly”, “saddlebags”, and thighs, amongst others. Over the past 50 years, more than 15,000 physicians worldwide have used Mesotherapy for many uses including spot weight reduction, cellulite reduction, eyelid fat pad reduction, “double chin” and wrinkle elimination.
Dr. Kerendian, I want to thank you for the amazing job that you’ve done not only with my body but my level of confidence is back up to where it used to be and beyond. The mesotherapy was what I would like to call the fountain of youth for me, my body is insane right now. Yes I’m still working out and eating well. I just wanted to say thank you, I am sooo happy to have come from being a 147 pound out of work actress to being a 125 pound working actress and I owe it all to you.
Tamala Jones
Many people in the entertainment industry including actresses, models, and actors have chosen Dr. Payam Kerendian to melt hard to burn areas for a better camera presence. The above picture exemplifies the outcome one can expect to see with Dr. Kerendian’s special comprehensive Mesotherapy protocol.
Cellulite Therapy
Treatment of Cellulite with Mesotherapy includes treating several factors. Dr. Kerendian will create a Mesotherapy formula to treat the fat in the cellulite, the impaired circulation and to treat the bad connective tissue therefore smoothing out the skin surface. Cellulite treatment can be done on any affected part of the body e.g.; arms, stomach, waist, hips, legs
Body Contouring
Mesotherapy can target specific areas or spots where your body stores excessive fat. The customized Mesotherapy formulas injected in a specific area blocks the cells from storing fat and helps break the existing fat cells down. After Mesotherapy your body then naturally flushes out the broken-down fat. Spot reduction can be used for double chins, baggy eyelids, thighs, love handles, buttock, stomach pooch, and any other area where your body pockets fat.

About Mesotherapy
In Mesotherapy, very small doses of different medications are administered in specific areas, depending on the condition being treated. The medicines and plant extracts used for Mesotherapy at Delight Medical are always obtained from legitimate pharmaceutical companies in the United States. All pharmaceuticals used by Dr. Kerendian for Mesotherapy are FDA approved. Interestingly, the combination of these medicines for Mesotherapy is considered “off-label” purposes.
Mesotherapy Safety
As with any medical procedure, there are certain restrictions on who should consider having mesotherapy for body contouring and weight loss. For your safety, Dr. Kerendian will perform a medical evaluation of you during an initial consultation. Although side effects are infrequent, Dr. Kerendian will make you aware of any that may occur and how these are managed.
What To Expect
Each Mesotherapy session costs anywhere from $100-$400. Mesotherapy sessions are most effective if done weekly, but can be done every other week as your schedule and budget permits.