
Anti Aging Vitamins for Your Skin

Posted In: Healthy Eating By Delight Medical

Taking your vitamins is not only good for the inside of your body: certain vitamins can also have anti aging benefits for your skin. Vitamin C, which your body can’t produce on its own, may help you maintain younger looking skin. [Read more]

Although it’s possible to lose weight through diet alone, exercising regularly can help you lose weight more quickly and keep the weight off for longer. Regular exercise is also important for preventing chronic diseases, improving your mood, and maintaining good all around health. Check out these tips for getting the most from your weight loss workout. [Read more]

You’ve probably heard that “eating right” can help you lose weight, maintain weight loss, and live a longer, healthier life. But with so much information available out eating right, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. What should you eat? What shouldn’t you ever eat? It can be a lot to absorb! These simple tips can get you started in the right direction. [Read more]

The Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services issues updated dietary guidelines every five years to help Americans make healthy food choices. In 2010, new dietary guidelines are expected to suggest changes that are designed to address the country’s obesity epidemic. [Read more]

Dietary Fats Explained

Posted In: Healthy Eating By Delight Medical

If you’re trying to diet to lose weight, you may been told to “cut the fat.” But experts remind us that not all fats are bad. In fact, some fats are an essential part of a healthy diet. Find out more about the different types of fats that exist and which ones you need to avoid. [Read more]

As the weather heats up and the need for a swimsuit becomes more likely, many of us start thinking more about weight loss. We may find ourselves wishing we had thought about swimsuit season months ago, but turning back time is not an option. What can you do to jump start your weight loss now? [Read more]

Common Diet and Fitness Myths

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

You want to lose weight, and you’ve heard that diet and exercise is the best way to be successful. Great! Perhaps you’ve been overwhelmed by the mountain of information on weight loss, diet, and fitness. Unfortunately, you may find that one piece of advice conflicts with another, and it can be difficult to know which suggestions to listen to as you build your weight loss plan. Get the truth about common diet and fitness myths. [Read more]

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