For many people, keeping off the weight you’ve lost can be just as difficult as losing weight in the first place. Here are a few tips to help manage and maintain your weight. [Read more]
Steps to Manage Your Weight
Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

3 Top Anti-Aging Vitamins
Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Whether it is the result of damage caused by sun exposure, free radicals, dry climates or harsh treatment, chances are good that your skin is probably aging faster than you want it to. For that matter, clogged arteries and weak immune systems may be aging your body quicker than you would like. While there may not be a miracle anti-aging serum to keep you looking young forever, there are some vitamins that promote youthful skin and help in your anti-aging efforts. [Read more]
Dec 30

Positive Image, Healthy Weight Loss, and a Better Body
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
For many people who struggle with losing weight, the goal is to lose weight so that they can feel better about their body and themselves. However, the way to go about creating lasting change is actually to reverse that thinking. [Read more]
Dec 20

Adjust Your Weight Loss Strategy with Age
Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
As you age, your body changes. One of the side effects of those changes is that weight loss can be more difficult. [Read more]

Toning Your Buttocks
Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
If you are looking to tone your “posterior,” you are in good company. Buttocks make the list of things to tone for most of us as age and gravity take their toll. Luckily there are some good exercises you can do that will help accomplish this–and many of them will work other muscles at the same time. [Read more]
Nov 30

Weight Loss Changes with Age
Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
As you age, you may find it more difficult to maintain or lose weight. Find out what changes in your body are making weight loss more difficult and how to adjust your weight loss strategies as you age. [Read more]

Getting Organized For Weight Loss
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
Good preparation can go a long way in any weight loss program. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and anything that replaces pounds with ounces is good news for dieters, so take a little time to get organized before starting your weight loss program. [Read more]
Nov 20

Identifying Obstacles To Weight Loss
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
One of the most important things to keep in mind when you try to change your lifestyle and lose weight is what obstacles there are that may block you from achieving your goals. Although these “barriers” may be a little bit different for everyone, there are some things that you can do to help push through any roadblocks you encounter along the way. Start by dealing with just two major issues and you will be better able to stay on track for the long haul. [Read more]
Oct 30

Fish Oils For Healthy Weight Loss
Posted In: Healthy Eating By Delight Medical
Among the many benefits to including fish oils in the diet is the fact that it helps reduce triglyceride levels. High triglyceride levels are associated with health conditions such as coronary artery disease and diabetes. One of the reasons fish oil is healthy is the fact that it contains omega-3 fatty acids. While you can take capsules that have this substance in it, you can also get it from eating certain types of fresh fish. Since fish is generally low in both calories and fat, it can be a great meal choice if you are looking to lose weight. Substituting it for red meat is a very good way to change your diet for the better while reducing the amount of calories you are eating. [Read more]
Oct 20

Control Food Cravings
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
So you’ve made the decision to start eating healthier. Unfortunately, other factors in your life may not be conducive to better eating. If you’re too busy, you will most likely be tempted to give in to fast food. A little bit of planning can help you stick to your new healthy eating plan. [Read more]
Oct 10

Jan 05