2020 and the virus that is most popular on social media have made medical world and our researchers busy and they have learned a great deal. Of note and interest to this article and physician specialty is the role of testosterone as it affects the SARS-CoV-2 Virus but also the disease state known as COVID-19. […]
Why is Higher Testosterone Levels Good to Fight COVID-19?
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

Tips to Lose Weight Naturally
Posted In: Getting Active, Healthy Eating, Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
In the reality that we live in, with social media and the need to “keep up with the Joneses”, we feel this pressure to have this ideal image of what perfection is and what society feels is “attractive”. We find ourselves wanting to lose weight but we don’t want to do the work and always […]
Jul 25

Paleo Diet
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
The Paleo diet is a dietary plan that is based on foods that might have been eaten during the Paleolithic time, which dates from approximately 2.5 million to 10,000 years ago. Other names that the Paleo Diet has are, Paleolithic Diet, Hunter-Gatherer diet and Caveman Diet. The purpose of the Paleo diet is to help […]
Jun 13

Sleep Deprivation and Weight Gain
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
When we don’t get enough sleep, we sometimes wake up with headaches, migraines, lightheadedness, and exhaustion. But what we don’t realize is the effects that lack of sleep can have on us physically and physiologically. One of those physiological effects that can affect us physically is weight gain. In this article we will dive into […]
Apr 16

Diet Shakes and Weight Loss
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Diet shakes, also known as meal replacement shakes are used to help further assist a weight loss program. Before starting any weight loss program, you should see your primary care provider to assure the safety of your health, or a physician that specializes in bariatrics and weight management so that they can evaluate your health/weight […]
Mar 12

Electronics and Sleep
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Do you have trouble falling asleep at night? Are you feeling like your sleep quality isn’t as good as it should be? If the answer is yes, then maybe the problem might not particularly be your sleep, but what you are doing right before you go to sleep. Do you watch television before you go […]
Jan 08

How to Treat Low Testosterone Levels
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Testosterone is a hormone that is produced in the man’s testicles that is primarily associated with sperm production as well as sex drive that gradually increases with puberty. Testosterone plays a vital role in a man’s life other than sex drive and sperm production though. Testosterone is also linked to how a man stores fat, […]
Dec 11

Are Testosterone Supplements for Men Safe?
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
Short answer: ABSOLUTELY! If it is managed by a physician who is well-trained and experienced with hormone optimization methods and monitoring. Longer answer: Testosterone is a hormone that exists and is produced within both the female and a male body. It is more linked to a male body because it is the dominant hormone that […]
Oct 10

Alternative Sleep Apnea Treatment Options
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
Why is sleep apnea dangerous to your health? Sleep Apnea is a dangerous condition that can affect your health and you may not even know that you have it. Sleep apnea occurs when your upper airway becomes blocked during sleep, which causes a reduction or complete stoppage of airflow. If untreated, sleep apnea can cause […]
Apr 03

How Do Lipotropic Injections Work?
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
As I finished my medical training and residency, I was fascinated to sub specialize in the field of obesity and weight management on a nonsurgical level. When I entered the world of bariatric medicine from a nonsurgical standpoint, I was more intrigued and fascinated about the numerous modalities in our body that affect or change […]
Aug 23

Jul 07