Whiplash can occur when a person’s head is suddenly moved back and forth at a rapid speed and with great force. Whiplashes can occur to anyone of any age and is primarily seen in car accidents, on roller coasters and in sports. When a whiplash occurs, it typically results with your soft tissues in your […]
What are the best treatments for Whiplash?
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

OMT: Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy
Posted In: Pain Management By Delight Medical
OMT also known as Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy is a technique that is used to help treat pain, stiffness and to help prevent illness and injury. Osteopathic Manipulative Therapy is a technique used by Osteopathic Physicians (D.O.) that consists of a hands-on technique that utilizes gentle pressure, resistance and stretching. The reason why Osteopathic Physicians are […]
Jun 04

Trigger Points and Referral Pain
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
What are Trigger Points? Trigger points, also known as “knots”, are hypersensitive tender points within the fascia that surrounds skeletal muscle. They can sometimes be felt as nodules in tightly contracted muscle bands and are often times associated with musculoskeletal issue. Trigger Points are the most common source of pain that may be caused by […]
Dec 11

Tennis Elbow and Treatment Options
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Tennis elbow also known as Lateral Epicondylitis occurs when the ligaments of the lateral epicondyle (elbow) is over used by repetitive motions of the arm and wrist, resulting in inflammation. Just as the name states, it is an injury typically seen in an individual that plays tennis, but it is not limited to just tennis […]
Nov 19

Sprain vs. Strain
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Some point in our lives we have all experienced a sprain or a strain, whether it be an ankle sprain while playing a sport or straining our backs lifting something too heavy. But contrary to popular belief, a sprain and a strain are two different injuries that are commonly used interchangeably that we all have […]
Oct 29

Referred Pain
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Have you ever heard of the term “referred pain”? Well what exactly is referred pain and how can you determine if you have referred pain? In this article, we will discuss what exactly is referred pain, how and when it occurs and treatments for it. What is Referred Pain? Referred pain is a type of […]
Sep 11

Is Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Therapy Effective for Osteoarthritis in the Knees?
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
What is Osteoathritis? Osteoarthritis is a degenerative joint disease that occurs when the cartilage between the joints– which acts like cushioning– start to degenerate and breakdown causing bone on bone friction during movement which results in pain if left untreated. It is the leading cause of disability in individuals over the age of 50 that […]
Aug 21

Effective Prolotherapy Treatments for Shoulder Pain
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Shoulder pain can be a real nagging issue that can ultimately prevent us from doing basic every day living activities such as brushing our teeth, changing clothes and even sleeping in some cases. The problem with shoulder injuries is that they can go untreated or misdiagnosed as tight muscles. In order to assure that you […]
Apr 02

Alternatives to Knee Surgery
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Many people suffer from joint knee pain and have been told that they need to have surgery to relieve the pain, do physical therapy or to simply deal with the pain if they are opposed to doing surgery, which causes individuals to live off pain medications and a lot of over the counter medications. Many […]
Feb 27

Benefits of Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections
Posted In: Pain Management, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Platelet Rich Plasma (PRP) Injections is a relatively new alternative treatment method to help heal and prevent or prolong the need of surgeries for injuries and can help with acute and chronic pain. Platelet Rich Plasma Injections are now being used worldwide to help with shoulder injuries, knee injuries, and in some cases in hair restoration. […]
Feb 05

Aug 19