Sleep is a required bodily function that allows the body to rest and recover from all the activities from the day(s) prior and prime the body for the next days activities. According to The National Sleep Foundation, there are different sleep requirements based on age. Newborns and infants are recommended to sleep 14 to 17 […]

What are Cortisone Injections? Before PRP was created, Cortisone injections were widely used to help treat moderate to severe levels of pain, muscle and joint inflammation. Cortisone injections are derived from a specific type of steroid called Corticosteroids that grew popular due to its potent anti-inflammatory properties and its instant pain relief. A cortisone injection […]

Patellar Tendonitis (Jumpers Knee)

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

What is Jumper’s Knee and how can you tell? Patellar Tendonitis also known as “Jumpers knee”, is an inflammation or injury of the patellar tendon; the cord-like tissue that connects the Patella (kneecap) to the Tibia (shin bone). Jumpers knee is sports specific and refers to the functional stress overload when the joint is being […]

Treatment Options for Carpal Tunnel

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

Carpal tunnel is one of the most falsely diagnosis terms labeled on the patient. 85 percent of patients who think they have “carpal tunnel”– in reality– do not have carpal tunnel syndrome. It is common misconception that any “wrist pain” equals “carpal tunnel”. Out of 100 patients that were interviewed, 93 of them were under […]

As I finished my medical training and residency, I was fascinated to sub specialize in the field of obesity and weight management on a nonsurgical level. When I entered the world of bariatric medicine from a nonsurgical standpoint, I was more intrigued and fascinated about the numerous modalities in our body that affect or change […]

As an obesity specialist physician who has been treating obese and overweight individuals for the past 11 years of my life, the term “The Hollywood 48-hour Miracle Diet” makes me upset. The field of medicine has come a long way in recognizing obesity as a medical problem and furthermore the research and the practical aspects […]

To understand how to treat obesity, one must first know and understand what obesity is and then know the difference contributing factors that lead to obesity. Obesity is a term that is used for those individuals who have more fat tissue in the body in abundance of what is necessary to have. On average healthy […]

Myofascial Release for Back Pain

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

To understand what myofascial release is, we must first understand where the root of the word comes from and what fascia is: “Myo” as a pretext that usually refers to the muscle. And fascia is a layer of tissue within our body that has a broad and vague definition. Dr. Kerendian’s description of Fascia: As […]

How Do Hormone Pellets Work?

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

Hormone pellets are one of the most convenient treatment methods in the field of medicine and hormone replacement therapy. The only problem with that term is the misnomer of “pellets”. Most individuals hear the word pellets and think of small metallic objects that are used in pellet guns. HOWEVER, this is not what pellets feel […]

Testosterone hormone is the hormone that makes a man A MAN! What is a hormone? Hormone is any substance that is produced by any body part, and released into the blood to have its function acted upon on distant body part or body parts. The production line and of testosterone is as follows: hypothalamus of […]

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