We live in the age of computers, laptops, cell phones, iPads and tablets. Who doesn’t use any of these devices on a given day? A better question is how many hours a day does a single individual spend on one of the above devices? 90% of us will answer “a lot of hours” to the […]

Osteopathic treatments are a term that are not well known by the general population. However, they are never forgotten by people who have utilized osteopathic physicians in the care of their musculoskeletal pain. Whether it’s chronic pain or acute pain caused by any incidents such as sports or accidents, osteopathic physicians are well-trained to not […]

Pain and dysfunction of the musculoskeletal system are the second most common problems that individuals report to their healthcare practitioners for. Lower back pain, knee pain, elbow pain, ankle pain, shoulder pain, hip pain, wrist pain, finger pain, toe pain, heel pain are the most common presenting problems. These muscular skeletal problems are caused by […]

Testosterone hormone is one of the most important hormones in a man’s body. It oversees many benefits that give men their characteristic roles and sex traits, however it is also very important hormone that prevents a lot of ailments. Testosterone hormone helps a man with energy, mental stamina, physical stamina, sexual stamina. With testosterone, a […]

10 Cellulite Myths Debunked

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

Ninety percent of all women have cellulite somewhere. While you and all your neighbors may have it, few people know much about this unpleasant but ultimately harmless condition. Read on to get the truth about cellulite myths: [Read more]

Lose Weight with the Perfect Gym

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

Regular trips to the gym can be valuable as you lose weight in downtown Los Angeles, but only if you sign up with the right one. Because there are so many gyms in Los Angeles and each one offers something different to its members, it’s important to be selective when searching for one. [Read more]

The Benefits of Beauty Sleep

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

How many hours of sleep did you get last night? If you are like most Americans, your answer to that question is probably “not enough.” For optimal health it is recommended that you get between seven and nine hours of sleep every night, but between your weight loss goals, your anti-aging efforts, your career objectives and other personal matters, getting enough shuteye night after night can be very hard to do. [Read more]

Navigating the Food Store

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

Making the transition to a healthy diet is a central component of your medical weight loss program. After you finish your meal replacement diet you will need to slowly transition back to whole foods. For a lot of people this is the hardest part. Losing weight on a controlled diet plan is manageable, but maintaining that weight loss once you are free to eat regular foods again can be challenging. [Read more]

Cook Healthy in a Hurry

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

When people claim that healthy cooking is not an option, a lack of time is usually the excuse. Indeed, time is something we all wish we had more of, and all that dicing, slicing, sautéing and baking will take time that you may not have to spare. But if you hope to maintain the progress you’re making with the help of your medical weight loss program, then cooking your own healthy meals is not an option—it’s an absolute necessity. [Read more]

Low Carb Dieting Basics

Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical

If you’re contemplating starting a low carb diet to help you lose weight or reduce fat, most likely you have a lot of questions and concerns. What constitutes a low carb diet? How will this diet plan benefit your health? While there are benefits to a low carb diet, it’s best to speak with your weight loss doctor before embarking on a low carbohydrate diet. [Read more]

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