Stop Holiday Weight Gain with Lipotropic Injections
November 2016
Lipotropic injections and other smart slimming strategies are really something to celebrate by making it easier to prevent holiday pounds from becoming permanent.
CARLA G.* came to us last year dreading the upcoming holidays and desperate for help. Despite her best efforts, every year she’d packed on five pounds during the festivities but every year had been unable to lose them in the new year. Over the last six years, she had put on 30 extra pounds during the holidays – on top of the 15 extra she gained over time – and was fearful that the upcoming year would be even worse.
November may seem like a strange time to begin a weight management program but hear me out. I don’t expect my weight loss patients to shed great amounts during the holidays but with the right tools at our disposal, we can prevent the worst of holiday weight gain and do so (relatively) painlessly.
With the barrage of sugarplum propaganda urging us to ‘eat, eat, eat’, the holidays are by far the most challenging time to struggle with weight. Let me emphasize that I’m no Scrooge and I’m no Grinch and would be the last person to suggest you deny yourself all holiday treats and feasts. But notice I said ‘all’. The season calls for moderation; easier said than done, of course. But at Delight Medical in Los Angeles and Bakersfield, we can help make weight control far easier than you may have imagined.
Fat is a clever and wily foe, to be sure. From an evolutionary perspective, we’re genetically programmed to gain weight and seek sweets and other carbs. Today though, we know that the craving for calories that kept us alive a hundred thousand years ago on the tundra is what’s killing us now in the modern age. And it’s no secret that some people have it worse than others. But in any gladiatorial smack down between genetics and willpower, the genes will win out every time. This is why I have never blamed anyone with a weight problem for a lack of effort, willpower or worthiness.

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But I’m here to tell you that with our arsenal of proven and medically-sound tools such as lipotropic injections, it is possible to lose weight–and regain your health–in a way that is much easier than if you try (and try again) going it alone.
Lipotropic Injections in Los Angeles, Hollywood, Beverly Hills and Bakersfield
Although our fat-burning, energy-boosting injections are not magic bullets that make weight disappear instantly, they are nonetheless extremely effective tools when used appropriately. At Delight Medical we offer two kinds; lipotropic injections (a proven formula that’s been used by bariatric physicians for many years) and Trimtropic injections (my own, more powerful proprietary version formulated with additional ingredients). If you look in any biochemistry book on food metabolism, you will see that the injections’ ingredients are the same ones that are critical for metabolic function and efficiency. Furthermore there are specific amino acid combinations in these mixtures that rev up the liver’s capability to process and metabolize the dietary fats.
Symbiotic weight management modalities
My goal for my patients is weight maintenance therapy over time. Of course, the first step of weight maintenance usually starts with weight loss.
Fat-burning injections are just one of the offerings in Delight Medical’s extensive weight loss toolkit that also includes strategically selected nutraceuticals, proven meal replacement diets, appropriate medications and lifestyle coaching.
First and foremost is our comprehensive and precise approach to testing, diagnosis and evaluation, enabling us to tailor-make a plan for each individual for maximum efficacy. I’m convinced that this personalized approach is what makes us so popular and our patients so happy. By understanding a patient’s underlying core issues and developing a strategic, step-by-step actionable plan, we can guide the weight loss process so that it is both healthy and achievable.
Happier New Year!
Holiday weight gain is not inevitable. In fact, our patient Carla G. actually managed to lose three pounds during the holidays last year and has gone on to lose a steady four pounds a month since then. Let us at Delight Medical show you how to put the brakes seasonal ballooning while prepping yourself for a new year filled with optimism and success.
Our passion is to help you create a healthier and happier future. Let us show you how it works. Contact us today to set up a consultation at our Los Angeles medical weight loss facility or Bakersfield weight loss clinic
* Name and identifying details have been changed
NOTE: This is for information purposes only and does not constitute medical diagnosis or prescription. Every patient’s symptoms and situation are different; initial diagnosis and prescribed treatment require in-person consultation with the doctor.