According to the American Dietetic Association and ConAgra Foods Foundation, as many as 70% of Americans eat at their desks several times a week. Unfortunately, eating at your desk can lead to poor nutritional choices because you aren’t usually paying attention to what you’re eating or how much you’re eating. [Read more]
Tips for Eating While You Work
Posted In: Healthy Eating By Delight Medical

Tips for Veggie Haters
Posted In: Healthy Eating, Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
Vegetables are an important part of any diet. They provide valuable fiber, antioxidants, and other powerful phytochemicals. Obviously, you should be eating your vegetables whenever possible!
But what do you do if you don’t like the taste of vegetables? Here are a few suggestions to make eating your vegetables easier. [Read more]
Mar 10

Cut TV Viewing and Lose a Little Weight
Posted In: Wellness Blog By Delight Medical
This study was not without its limitations, said the researchers. It was too short for proper information to be gathered and there was no information regarding whether time using a computer increased as time spent watching TV decreased. This latter piece of data is something that might be essential before drawing any true conclusions, although some assumptions can still be made. [Read more]
Feb 10

Eat Out on the Cheap and Lose Weight
Posted In: Healthy Eating By Delight Medical
For many people, dining out is one of the first things to go when the budget is getting trimmed. The good news is that, eating out less can go a long way toward helping you manage your weight. With a few helpful tips for stretching your budget and keeping calories in mind, you can still enjoy the occasional opportunity to eat out. [Read more]
Jan 20

Getting Organized For Weight Loss
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
Good preparation can go a long way in any weight loss program. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, and anything that replaces pounds with ounces is good news for dieters, so take a little time to get organized before starting your weight loss program. [Read more]
Nov 20

Identifying Obstacles To Weight Loss
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
One of the most important things to keep in mind when you try to change your lifestyle and lose weight is what obstacles there are that may block you from achieving your goals. Although these “barriers” may be a little bit different for everyone, there are some things that you can do to help push through any roadblocks you encounter along the way. Start by dealing with just two major issues and you will be better able to stay on track for the long haul. [Read more]
Oct 30

Control Food Cravings
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
So you’ve made the decision to start eating healthier. Unfortunately, other factors in your life may not be conducive to better eating. If you’re too busy, you will most likely be tempted to give in to fast food. A little bit of planning can help you stick to your new healthy eating plan. [Read more]
Oct 10

Preparing and Planning for Change
Posted In: Lifestyle and Behavior By Delight Medical
There is no question that the backbone behind a successful and long lasting weight loss and weight maintenance effort is the individual’s motivation for a healthy future. Any journey that is aimed towards a beneficial change requires the initial step of understanding the need for change. [Read more]

Apr 10