Tips to Lose Weight Naturally
July 2019
In the reality that we live in, with social media and the need to “keep up with the Joneses”, we feel this pressure to have this ideal image of what perfection is and what society feels is “attractive”. We find ourselves wanting to lose weight but we don’t want to do the work and always want the quickest and easiest way to lose the weight whether it be Liposuction or fat transfers, entirely disregarding all health concerns because we want the results. In this article, we will discuss natural ways to lose weight effectively but most importantly healthily.
The best way to lose weight effectively is to always see a physician that specializes in weight management so that they can do an in depth evaluation on your overall health, health concerns and issues to determine any other underlying issues that you have. Seeing a physician that specializes in weight management is highly important and beneficial to your overall health because they will perform a very complex blood panel to see if there are any deficiencies within your body other than being over weight. With the blood panel, they can create a plan of care specific to you and your needs and in doing so, you will have a higher chance of not only reaching your goals but also maintain them.
A tip to lose weight naturally outside of seeing a physician would to first change your mindset. Without your mindset or belief system set and geared toward losing the weight, you’ll never stick to the plan because you wont believe you can do it and you’ll find excuses as to why you didn’t follow through on your goals. Mindset is the driving force behind everything you do. If you feel and believe you can do something, you will do it. But if there is even the smallest amount of doubt, you will find an excuse to not do it. So work on your mindset first and really ask yourself how much you really want to change your life.
Another tip would be to watch what you eat and being highly conscious of the types of food that you eat. Contrary to popular belief, science proves that weight lose is 80% diet and 20% working out. When you eat lean meats, high fiber foods, vegetables, fruits and take out all the processed foods and sugary drinks, your body works at its optimal levels. Sometimes its not that easy for people and other ways to help with that is a structured diet like a low calorie diet. An example of a low calorie diet would be utilizing Optifast shakes.
Optifast shakes are used in conjunction with a medically advised weight loss program. Within this program, the individual will be held to a lowered amount of calories medically advised by the physician where they either incorporate the use of Optifast shakes with a normal diet or is placed on a strict Optifast shake diet. Optifast offers many flavors and offers convenience because they can be drunk anywhere at anytime.
Optifast has shown to help reduce cholesterol and lower blood sugar levels which help with weight loss. In addition to eating healthier foods, a good way to flush out the toxins and to feel fuller longer is to drink more water. Drinking water before meals can help you feel fuller and in doing so can reduce calorie intake. Water is also good for weight loss when it is replaced for other beverages that are high in sugar & calories (I.E soda, juice, etc.) It is recommended to drink approximately 8 to 10 ounce glass per day can keep yourself hydrated because your body is 75% water and hydration is important with normal bodily functions.
Exercise is highly important in losing weight. It is the only way to assure that you are burning off the calories you ate. In the end, it’s a calorie game and in order to lose weight, you need to burn off the calories, otherwise any excess calories not burned can turn into fat which is counterproductive to your goals. A good way to assure that you are exercising is to see your job or as exercise. Any chance you get, take the stairs instead of the escalators or be sure to walk around more when you’re free instead of not doing anything or sitting behind a computer. Movement not only helps with being and staying healthy but it is the oil for the body. Our joints need to be moved to keep them lubricated and moving efficiently.
When you incorporate all of these tips: Mindset shift, Dieting, water intake and exercise, you will be sure to lose weight and not only lose weight but maintain the weight loss because your mindset is already primed for results and you’ve cultivated a strong self-belief system that you can do anything!